Tuesday 30 April 2013

MUHAMMAD صلي الله عليه وسلم

That's the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon hima philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and one spiritual empire. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than him?

The Look
He was a white man with a rosy tinge. He was of a height a little above the average. He was well built with broad shoulders. His belly never protruded out of his chest profile. He used to walk briskly and firmly, lifting each foot off the ground. His gait was described as it would tire others to keep pace with him. His companions described him as a handsome person with prominent forehead, high tipped nose, long eyelashes, large black eyes with well set teeth and a pleasant smile. He had slightly curly hair and a thick beard. His companions indicated that he had a friendly bright face that looked like a full moon. He didn't laugh loudly, his laugh was mostly a smile that would show his teeth a bit like hailstones. His cheerfulness and open personality were felt by all people.

He was unfailingly cheerful, easy going by nature and mild mannered. He was not a clamorous loud mouth, nor a repeater of obscenities. He was not a fault finder, nor did he overly praise the others. He didn't speak unnecessarily and what he said was always to the point and without any padding. His words were precise and concise having complete meaning in few words. He spoke with excellence and there was no excess in it and no abnormal brevity. When he emphasized a point, he used to repeat it thrice with a gesture. He spoke of nothing unless he hoped a reward from God for it. 

He told his companions: "I'm a guarantor for a house in the heart of the Paradise for those who quit arguing even if they were right and I'm a guarantor for a house in the middle of the Paradise for those who quit lying even if they were kidding and I'm a guarantor for a house in the highest part in the Paradise for those who behave with good manners." (Sahih Abu Dawood)

The Manners
He kept his feelings under firm control. When annoyed, he would turn aside or keep silent. When someone commits an act that violates God's Law, he used to show serious anger and firm stand. No one would stand against his anger when matters of the Lord's truth were opposed, until he had triumph, but he would never get angry for his own sake.

He was always the first to greet the others and would not withdraw his hand from a hand shaker till the other man withdrew his. Whoever saw him unexpectedly would admire and revere him. And however socialized or associated with him familiarly, loved him. He was gentle by nature. He was neither coarse nor disdainful of anyone. When he looked at the others, he looked at them in full face. If someone called him he didn't turn his face only, but gave attention with his whole body. When he would go to visit a group, he would sit in the nearest available spot. He ordered his companions to follow his practice. He would give those seated near him his full share of attention in such a way that no one would think others had been given precedence over him. He didn't reserve fixed places among the people to be seated. He was fair with his companions and all people. They were distinguished only by virtue and devotion to God.

Everything he did was in moderation, without excess or contrariness. He never criticized the food or drink that was prepared for him, nor he did overly praise it. When at home, he would divide his time into three parts, one for God, one for his family and one for himself. He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor. He used to dress well and smell good. (Sahih Bukhari, Chapter Kitabul Adab)

After dawn prayers, he would remain sitting in the mosque reciting the Holy Qur'an and praises of Allah till the sun rose. After midnight, he used to get up for Tahajjud prayers which he never missed even once in his life. (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari)

He had declared unlawful for himself and his family anything given by the people by way of zakat or sadaqa (types of charity). He was so particular about it, that he would not appoint any member of his family as a zakat collector. His house was but a hut with walls of unbaked clay and a thatched roof of palm leaves covered by camel skin. 

When he died, he did not leave a cent or any property except his white mule and a piece of land which he had dedicated for the good of the community. (Sahih Bukhari) as he said: "What have I to do with worldly things. My connection with the world is like that of a traveler resting for awhile underneath the shade of a tree and then moving on"

The Life
Muhammad's Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him is son of Abdullah, son of Abdul-Muttalib (ancestry reaches back to the Prophet Ishmael son of Prophet Abraham) and Amina. He was from Bani-Hashim family (Bani-Hashim was from Quraysh, a tribe that was highly ranked in Arabia). He was born on 22 April 570 CE (1) in Mecca, Arabian Peninsula and he passed away on 6 June 632 CE in Madinah (approximately 450 km north of Mecca).

His father passed away before he was born. His mother sent him out of Mecca to be breastfed by a wet nurse called Halima (this was an old Arab custom) till he's 2 years old. In the age of 2 to 6 years old he lived with his mother until she passed away in the year 576 CE then lived with his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib until he passed away when he's 8 years old. From 8 to 25 years old he lived with his paternal uncle Abu-Talib who had 10 children.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him was illiterate, he could not read or write. He never lived outside Mecca for sought foreign knowledge. Muslims believe that he conveyed the Holy Qur'an as the Message of God and His Book to all people. He conveyed it letter by letter and word by word without rephrasing any part of it with his own words. His sayings and teachings were not mixed with the Holy Qur'an, they were collected in books which are called 'The Sunnah of the Prophet' which means his teachings, way of life and explanation of Qur'an.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him worked as a shepherd when he was kid. Since 15 years old he worked in trading with his uncle, merchandising between Yemen and Syria until 23 years old. After that he worked as a merchant or a trader for a wealthy woman called Khadijah who had a general trading business (they used to buy commodities from one area and sell them in another). He was known in his community as a successful and honest tradesman. He was famous for his fidelity, integrity and trustworthiness. It was not long before he earned the title of As-Sadiqul Ameen which means the truthful and the trustworthy.

When he was 40 years old (year 610 CE) he received the divine revelation and dedicated his life to conveying God's Message to all people. He taught people the oneness of God and conveyed Qur'an which call for social justice, peace, harmony and well-being.

The Family
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him married Khadijah, the daughter of Khuwaylid who came from a noble family called Asad. He married to one wife (Khadijah) for 25 years. (2) She was a respected woman in her community and she was a widow. He worked for her for two years before she proposed marriage to him through a third party. She found him a very loyal, transparent and ethical person. Although Khadijah was 15 years older than him, both of them came from a similar soacial class in the community. The age difference was no obstacle to the establishment of a successful marriage which lasted for 25 years until Khadijah died in the year 619 CE at the age of 65. 

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him remarried after two years and a few month Khadijah passed away with Aisha, the daughter of his closest friend and most supportive companion, Abu-Bakir. Two years later, Hafsa, the daughter of his second closest companion Omar, lost her husband in the battle of Uhud and become a widow. Omar offered his trusted friends to marry her daughter but no one proposed her. Then he took the initiative and married her. Ramlah, known by the nick name 'Um Habibah', the daughter of top man in Mecca Abu-Sufyan, who didn't believe him and fought him for 20 years. Her husband converted to Christianity and passed away in Abyssinia. She was left alone there, so he proposed to Um Habibah and she accepted and got married to him. 

Then he married Saffiya, the daughter of Jewish leader from Bani Al-Nadhir who betrayed him and worked against him but then they sieged and surrendered. Saffiya was amongst those who were captured but he released her and proposed marriage to her. She accepted and they were married. In the same year, he sent a messenger to the king of Egypt, calling him to accept the message of Islam and the king replied with a polite apology and sent him some gift as well as a physician and a servant or concubine called Mariya (Mary) and he accepted the gifts. He married Mariya and later on she gave birth to a baby boy named Ibrahim.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him loved Khadijah and was loyal to her and his children. On several occasions he described her as the best woman of her time alike to Mary the mother of Jesus who was the best woman of her time. (Narrated by Bukhari) He and Khadijah lived in harmony and peace, they had four daughters Zaynab, Ruqayya, Um Kulthoum, Fatima and two sons Al-Qassim, who died when he was 3 years old and Abdullah, who died at the age of four. He used to spend time with his family, help his wife in house matters, sew his own clothes and look after his children.

Islam didn't forbid polygamy but it restricted and regulated it. It's not compulsary to marry more than one wife but it's permissible for genuine reasons (e.g. the wife is barren, suffers from a chronic disease, becomes handicapped, disabled or for other reasons). A man can marry a second wife if he can demonstrate full respect, justice and impartiality. Verse 3, Chapter 4 in Qur'an states: "Marry of the women, who seem good and suitable to you, two or three or four, and if you fear that you cannot do justice (to them) then (marry only one)"  Before this revelation, men used to have scores of wives with no limits or conditions. The prophet was married to more than 4 wives before this revelation.

The Mission

610 CE
He received the Message of God. (3) He was appointed as the Messenger of God to convey God's Words to mankind. A mission that required strong belief, dedication, commitment and honesty.

610 - 612 CE
He invited his friends, his inner circle and selected good quality people, to accept Islam. In the first three years after prophecy, around 130 people accepted Islam and became a strong nucleus that was able to spread Islam publicly. These core Muslims were mix of rich and poor people.

613 - 615 CE
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him and his followers started to talk to people openly about Islam. Although he was known as a trustworthy and an honest man, Meccan leaders did not accept his invitation to embrace Islam and resisted him. They described him as a poet, a magician and a crazy a man. Meccan leaders tried to dissuade him from calling people to Islam by tempting and threatening him. At the same time they tried to prevent people from listening to him. They showed increased hostility towards new Muslims. They persecuted and tortured the poor and weak Muslims.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him was very close to his followers. He used to meet them at Al-Arqam House which was like a small college. He taught them values and morals and instilled feelings of responsibility and commitment. He saw the suffering and tribulation some of his followers endured and advised them to seek refuge in Abyssina, describing it as a land of virtue ruled by a fair Christian king, under whom no one was treated unjustly. He supported his followers and sent some of them to Abyssina.

Two influencial men, strong and well respected Meccan men accepted Islam, Omar Bin Al-Khattab and Hamza Bin Abdul-Muttalib (uncle). That was important turning point for Muslims. Hamza became a strong supporter and protector for him until he died in the battle of Uhud in 625 CE. Three years after the passing away of the prophet Omar became the second caliph and ruled the Islamic state for 11 years.

616 - 618 CE
Meccan leaders boycotted Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him and his followers and imposed a social and economical blockade on them which lasted for 3 years. During this time he and his followers suffered great tribulation. This period was a tough test for their patience, belief and commitment to the truth.

619 - 620 CE
It's a sorrowful year. Meccan chiefs cancelled the social and economical blockade as they found it not useful. In the same year, Khadijah and his uncle Abu-Talib passed away. He lost hope in Mecca and decided to convey the Message of God and seek support outside Mecca. He went to Ta'if but was met with hostility. (4) In addition, he spoke to more than 20 Arab tribes about Islam but he didn't receive any positive response.

620 - 622 CE
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him met six people from Yathrib (a city located 450 km north of Mecca) during the pilgrimage time and talked to them about Islam. They believed him and returned to their city with intentions to invite more people from their own tribe and other tribes in Yathrib. They agreed to return to Mecca the next year at the same time of pilgrimage to meet again with him, 'the Prophet and the Messenger of God'.

The same group returned the following year (621 CE) with six more people. (5) They pledged their allegiance to him (accepting him as the Messenger of God) and promising him: (1) not to worship anyone except Allah The One God (2) not to steal (3) not to commit adultery (4) not to kill (5) not to slander neighbours (6) not to disobey the Messenger of God.

The group went back to Yathrib and invited their tribal leaders and their people to accept Islam. They returned again in the following year (622 CE) at the time of pilgrimage with more than 70 men and 2 women. A similar pledge of allegiance was given again to the prophet.

A new Muslim community formed 450 km north of Mecca. The leaders of the two main tribes in Yathrib (Aws and Khazraj) embraced Islam and subsequently their people became Muslims. The prophet was invited to come to Yathrib and become its ruler and leader.

622 CE
Chiefs of Mecca plotted to kill Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him then migration to Yathrib commenced. He asked Meccan Muslims (6) to migrate to Yathrib. Following their migration, he migrated to Yathrib in September 622 CE. His migration represents the most important turning point in the Islamic history. From Yathrib, Islam blossomed, an Islamic state was established and a just social order was born.

623 - 624 CE
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him chosen the ruler of Yathrib. The people of Yathrib were a mix of Arabs and Jews. Although there were two main Arab tribes and three smaller Jewish tribes, the Arab community was larger than the Jewish one and had the rulling power. He was chosen as the ruler of Yathrib willingly and peacefully with the agreement of the majority of people.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him changed the name of the multicultural society, Madinah was the new name he gave to the city of Yathrib. After the migration of the Meccan Muslims, Yathrib no longer belonged to certain group of Arabs, instead, it became the home land of believers who accepted Islam. He didn't call Yathrib the city of Islam since there were Jewish tribes and other Arab people who didn't embrace Islam. Instead, it was named Madinah which means 'The City' in which all inhabitants had similar citizenship rights. He said: "O People, seek and spread peace and offer food to each other, look after your kinship and pray to God at night while others are sleeping so you gain God's pleasure and enter his paradise." He linked these acts to God's pleasure in order to motivate people to love each other and live in peace and harmony in a multicultural society.

623 - 624 CE
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him formed the first constitution and charter of human rights and liberties. Most of the Jews hoped that the last Prophet would come from a Jewish background. Although the majority of Jews didn't accept him as a Messenger of God, he (as the ruler of the state) formed the first 'Constitution and Charter of Human Rights and Liberties' to which all Arab and Jewish tribes agreed upon and signed.

The constitution guaranteed the freedom of conscience and worship for Muslims and Jews as well as Arabs who didn't accept Islam. In addition, the constitution protected the safety and security of all citizens in Madinah and required all parties who signed the covenant for the constitution to be part of the national defence should Madinah be attacked by enemies. The constitution stated justice, human rights, liberties and prohibition of crime and immoral practices.

624 CE
The unavoidable battle of Badr. When Muslims migrated from Mecca to Madinah, many of them were forced to abandon their homes and their properties were confiscated. The chiefs of Mecca used the confiscated money in trade and business. Muslims knew about a trade caravan belonging to the Meccan chiefs, led by their enemy Abu-Sufyan which would pass through a trade route close to Madinah.

Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him called upon Muslims to take the caravan in return for their wealth that was confiscated in Mecca. A force of only 313 Muslims took up the mission. The Meccan intelligence advised Abu-Sufyan to change the route of the trade caravan. In addition, Mecca sent an army of 950 soldiers to fight the Muslim force which was not prepared for war and was far less equipped than the Meccan army. 
It was astonishing and beyond expectation that Muslims won their first battle against the Meccan chiefs. Many Meccan chiefs and important figures were killed in this battle.

625 CE
Meccan chiefs attacked Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him and his followers in the battle of Uhud. In retaliation for their loss in the battle of Badr and their fear of losing their leading role in Arabia, Meccan chiefs with some Arab allies, sent an army of 3000 soldiers to attack Muslims at the mount Uhud, north of Madinah. The Muslims lost this battle and he was wounded but saved. In the battle of Uhud many of his companions were killed including his beloved uncle Hamza.

626 CE
Meccan and other tribes attacked Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him and his followers in the battle of trench. This battle is also called 'the Battle of Confederates'. Since the prophet was not killed in the previous battle, Meccan chiefs and some Arab and Jewish tribes called for a united effort and a comprehensive assault to kill him and destroy Muslim community. 10.000 soldiers marched towards Madinah. After consulting his companions, the prophet decide to adopt the proposal of a Persian Muslim named Salman to dig a trench on the northern access of Madinah (5,5 km long x 4.6 m wide). Muslims were in their most awkward situation and tried their best including psychological warfare, to defend themselves. After a month long siege the pagan army became impatient and strong storms and wind blew which forced the confederates to pack up their tents and withdraw.
627 CE
One year after the battle of trench,  the prophet took a peaceful initiative to perform Umrah (visit the Ka'bah House of God in Mecca and perform other religious rites). Visiting Mecca for the purpose of worship was a religious right that Mecca undertook to give to all people in Arabia. It was a great surprise for Meccan chiefs to see him approaching Mecca with 1400 civilians coming from Madinah. After several negotiations, Treaty of Hudaybiya, a truce was made between the Meccan chiefs and the prophet for 10 years during which time he and his companions returned to their homes with a condition to come again to visit Mecca in the following year (628 CE). The truce had many other terms with which the Muslims were disappointed because they weighed heavily on the Meccan side.
628 - 629 CE
During the truce, Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him conveyed God's Message inside and outside Arabia. The truce was a golden chance for him to convey the Message of God and freely talk to people about Islam without being stopped or intercepted by other forces. He sent delegations to other Arab tribes in Arabia and wrote more than fourteen letters to the rulers and kings of neighbouring countries and superpowers such as Persia, Byzantine and Egypt inviting them to accept Islam as 'the Message of God'. Muslims increased in numbers as people found the truth in Islam.
630 CE
Within less than 2 years, the truce was broken from the Meccan side when their allies killed 20 Muslims. In response to this shocking act, the prophet marched with 10.000 Muslims to conquer Mecca but asked his soldiers not to fight any one unless they were fought. (7) The Meccan chiefs were embarrassed and were not prepared to fight the Muslims. When the Muslim army arrived in Mecca, he addressed the whole people of Mecca confirming the oneness of God, referring victory to Him and reminding people that all of them descended from Adam and Adam was created from dust of the ground.

Then he asked the people of Mecca "What do you expect me to do with you?". They replied "We hope for the best. After all, you have been a gracious brother and a courteous cousin" Despite the hardship caused by the Meccan people during the last 21 years, the prophet behaved with high moralities. He replied "Have no fear today. Depart then (to your homes), you are free" His address was very influential and many people came to him to make pledge and embrace Islam.

630 - 631 CE
After the peaceful takeover of Mecca, delegations from all over Arabia came to learn about Islam. Except the Hawazen tribe who fought the Muslims and eventually lost the battle of Hunayn, most Arab tribes embraced Islam. The prophet sent many of his companions to various provinces in Arabia to teach people Islam 'The Message of God'.

632 CE
Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him mission was accomplished in 23 years and his life was nearing to an end. In 623 CE he performed pilgrimage and gave his final sermon to more than 100.000 people as a farewell address. His sermon reminded people about the basic elements of faith, belief in One God, sanctity of life, wealth and property, equality of all races, rules of justice, women's rights and obligations, exploitation and monopoly, morality and the rights of others.

The Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam (S.A.W.): Peace and Blessings upon him passed away in his home in Madinah in 632 CE leaving only few possessions. He didn't leave any money or wealth but a legacy of faith, that is still illuminating with God's light, the hearts of millions of people around the globe.

  1. According to some narrations and calculations he was born in the year 571 CE.
  2. Some narrations state that the marriage of him and Khadijah lasted for 24 years and several months.
  3. There is one and only one Qur'an which is revealed to him in original Arabic. However, there are many translations for the meanings of the verses in the Holy Qur'an to different languages such as English, French, Chinese, etc. 
  4. The Prophet was attacked in Ta'if and experienced the worst treatment there. When he left Ta'if he was very disappointed. According to some narrations, he called God with a wonderful supplication. 
  5. Aqaba or Al-Bay'aa 'Pledge' Mosque: established by the Abbasside Caliph Abu Jaafar Al Manssour on the same place that is believed the new Muslims from Madinah pledged commitment to the prophet as they embraced Islam.
  6. A small Muslim community stayed in Mecca and were not able to migrate to Yathrib (Madinah).
  7. The Islamic calendar starts from the date the prophet migrated from Mecca to Madinah (13 September 622 CE approx., The peaceful taking over of Mecca was on 8 January 630 CE approx.)

Monday 29 April 2013


Lake Kakaban
Lake Kakaban is located in the middle of Kakaban Island, a part of Derawan Islands in East Kalimantan. It's a huge brackish water lake which means hug in the local dialect as the island hugs the lake from the surrounding seawater. Lake kakaban is the world's biggest jellyfish lake (5 km2) with its four jellyfish species. Lake Kakaban is a mangrove fringed lake where thousands of non stinging Jellyfish live making it interesting for diving. The Jellyfish consists of four different species which have lost their natural defense system because of the lack of major predators in the lake : Aurelia Aurita with its transparent body, Tripedalia Cystophora which only has a tip finger size, Mastigias Papua is like a green-brown bulb and Cassiopea Ornata which is upside-down Jellyfish with their tentacles upright. Similar lakes exist in Philippines (Siargao) Palau with Jellyfish Lake being the best know. 

The lake has warm brackish water and the bottom is covered with marine green algae. There are other animals living here, some sea cucumbers, gobies, sea anemones, tunicates, crustaceans, nudibranchs, orange purple clams and yellow clams on the branches and snakes. The lake is at most 17 meters (56 ft) deep with poor visibility and is 10 minutes walk from the beach. Kakaban was probably uplifted during the Holocene and sea water was trapped turning the area and formed a landlocked marine lake. The water is now a mixture of salt water and sweet water from the rain.

Lake Kelimutu
It's located at the small town of Moni, about 50 kilometers to the east of Ende, Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Lake Kelimutu is three striking summit crater lakes of varying colors. Tiwa Ata Mbupu (Lake of Old People) is usually red in the westernmost of the three lakes and the other two lakes Tiwu Nuwa Muri Fai (Lake of Young Men and Maidens) and Tiwu Ata Polo (Bewitched or Enchanted Lake) are separated by a shared crater wall and are typically green or blue respectively. The lake colors vary on a periodic basis. Subuqueous fumaroles are the probable cause of active upwelling that occurs at the two eastern lakes. The lakes have been a source of minor phreatic eruptions in historical time. The summit of the compound 1639 meters high Kelimutu volcano is elongated 2 kilometers in a WNW-ESE direction, the older cones of Kelido and Kelibara are located respectively 3 kilometers to the north and 2 kilometers to the south. The scenic lakes are a popular tourist destination. 

Kelimutu is also of interest to geologists because the three lakes have different colors yet are at the crest of the same volcano. According to the local officer at Kelimutu National Park, the colour changes as a result of chemical reactions resulting from the minerals contained in the lake perhaps triggered by volcano gas activity. Kawah Putih in West Java, south of Bandung, is another crater lake in Indonesia with similarities to the lakes at Kelimutu. Kelimutu is one of the mountains listed as a ribu in Indonesia which are more than 1000 meters high. The area have begun to attract attention after being noticed by a regional Dutch military commander B. van Suchtelen in 1915 and became more well known after Y. Bouman wrote about the site in 1929.

Lake Matano
Lake Matano, also known as Matana, is a natural lake in South Sulawesi. With depth of 590 meters, it's the deepest lake in Indonesia and the 10th deepest lake in the world. The surface elevation from mean sea level is only 382 meters, which means that the deepest portion of the lake is below sea level (cryptodepression). Lake Matano is a home to many species of endemic fish and other animals (e.g. Caridina shrimps, Parathelphusid crabs and Tylomelania snails) as well as many plants. The endemic fishes of Matano have been compared to that of the species swarms of Rift Valley Lakes of Africa

While not as diverse, they are thought to have all arisen from a single ancestor species and diversified into numerous different species, which now fill many of the previously vacant ecological niches, as can be seen in the family Telmatherinidae. Endemic and near-endemic fishes from other families include Glossogobius matanensis, Mugilogobius adeia, Nomorhamphus weberi and Oryzias matanensis. Below the top layer of oxygenated water, Lake Matano's depths are  anoxic, free of sulfates, and rich in iron. These conditions make Lake Matano an analog for Earth's ocean during Archean Eon, which is useful for studying relationships between anoxygenic phototrophs and banded iron formations. The lake contains a population of green sulfur bacteria that conducts photosynthesis with bacterioclorophyll

Lake Toba
Lake Toba is a lake and supervolcano. The lake is 100 kilometers long, 30 kilometers wide, up to 505 meters (1.666 ft) meters deep and about 900 meters (2.953 ft) surface elevation makes it the largest in Indonesia and the largest volcanic lake in the world. It's located in North SumatraLake Toba is the site of a massive supervolcanic eruption estimated at VEI 8 that occurred 69.000 to 77.000 years ago, representing a climate-changing event. It's the largest known explosive eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. According to Toba catastrophe theory, it had global consequences for human populations : it killed most humans living at that time and is believed to have created a population bottleneck in central east Africa and India, which affects the genetic make up of the human world-wide population to the present. This hypothesis is not widely accepted because evidence is lacking for a decline or extinction of other animals, including species that are sensitive to changes in the environment. It has been accepted that the eruption of Toba led to a volcanic winter with a worldwide decrease in temperature between 3 to 5 ºC (5 to 9 ºF) and up to 15 ºC (27 ºF) in higher latitudes. 

In the middle of the lake there is a large volcanic island, Samosir Island. The island was originally connected to the surrounding caldera wall by a small isthmus which was cut through to aid navigation. At 640 square kilometers, Samosir Island is the largest island within an island and the fifth largest lake island in the world. It also contains two smaller lakes, Lake Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. Across the lake on the east from the island lies Uluan Peninsula. The island is link to the mainland of Sumatra on its western part by a narrow land connecting the town of Pangururan on Samosir and Tele on mainland of Sumatra. Tele consequently offers one of the best views of Lake Toba and Samosir Island. 

Friday 26 April 2013


21 April is Kartini Day, an Indonesian national holiday, since President Sukarno declared it in 1964, commemorating the birth of Raden Ajeng Kartini (Jepara, 21 April 1879) a prominent Javanese, one of the Indonesian national heroine and a pioneer in the emancipation of Indonesian women. Throughout Indonesia women or girls wear their national dress Kebaya and Batik or other Indonesian traditional dresses to symbolize their unity and the nation enjoys parade and events. 

Kartini is the daughter of Sosroningrat, a Javanese nobleman and Regency Chief of Jepara, who worked for the Dutch colonial administration, was exposed to Western ideas when she attended a Dutch school. When she has to withdraw from school because she was of noble birth, she corresponded with Dutch friends telling her concern both for the plight of Indonesians under colonial rule and for the restricted lives of Indonesian women. 

She was married on 12 November 1903 and began a fight for the right of women to be educated and against the unwritten but all-pervading Javanese law, Adat. Her husband understood Kartini's aims and allowed her to establish a school for women in the east porch of the Rembang Regency Office complex. She died on 17 September 1904 at the age of 25, four days after the birth of her first son on 13 September 1904. She was buried in Bulu Village Rembang.

After Kartini died, J.H.Abendanon the Minister for Culture, Religion and Industry in the East Indies collected and published the letters that Kartini had sent to her friends in Europe. The book was titled Door Duisternis tot Licht (Out of Dark Comes Light / Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang) and was published in 1911. It went through five editions with some additional letters included in the final edition and was translated into English by Agnes L. Symmers and published under the title Letters of a Javanese Princess.

Inspired by Kartini, the Van Deventer family established the R.A. Kartini Foundation which built schools for women Kartini's Schools in Semarang in 1912, followed by other women's schools in Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Malang, Madiun, Cirebon and other area. Now, 134 years after Kartini's birth, she left a legacy of emancipation for Indonesian women. Here, I chose some of Indonesian women who have Kartini spirit in their modern day life. 

Anggun Cipta Sasmi International Singer/Songwriter

Anne Avantie Fashion/Kebaya Designer
Artika Sari Devi Actress/Top 15 Miss Universe 2005 
Chelsea Elizabeth Islan Actress/Model
Christine Hakim Actress/Film Producer/Activist
Cinta Laura Kiehl Actress/Singer
Christina Rantetana The First Admiral in Indonesia's Navy 
Dewi Fortuna Anwar International Researcher in LIPI
Dian Pelangi Fashion Designer
Dian Sastrowardoyo Actress/Model
Entin Kartini The First Indonesia's Ship Captain
Fahira Idris Activist/Politician 
Farah Quinn Indonesian Celebrity Chef
Ghea Panggabean Fashion Designer
Hanum Rais Writer/TV Person
Ida Fiqriah Indonesia's First Woman Pilot
Josephine Komara Textile/Fashion Designer
Mariana Renata Model/Actress
Martha Tilaar Entrepreneur/Cosmetic Expertise
Meeghan Henry Singer
Mira Lesmana Film Director/Producer/Songwriter
Nadya Hutagalung Model/TV Host/Actress/Activist
Pia Alisjahbana Entrepreneur/Journalist
Pratiwi Sudarmono Scientist/Astronaut
Rachel Maryam Actress/Politician
Rachmawati Soekarnoputri Politician
Rini Sugianto International Animator
Rumiah Police Brigadier General/The First Indonesia's Head of The Regional Police Force
Sri Mulyani Indrawati Economist/Managing Director of World Bank
Sundari Soekotjo Keroncong Singer
Susi Susanti World Champion Badminton Player
Tania Gunadi Actress
Tri Rismaharini Major of Surabaya
Zara Zettira ZR Writer

Wednesday 24 April 2013


Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival is one of the largest jazz festivals in the world and arguably the biggest in the Southern Hemisphere. The annual jazz festival is held every early March in Jakarta, Indonesia and designed to be one of the largest jazz festival globally. It was held the first time in 2005, when approximately 125 groups and 1.405 artists performed in 146 show. The first festival was attended by 35.000 visitors during its three days stretch. Peter Frans Gontha, an Indonesian entrepreneur and jazz musician, is the founder and the director of this event.

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival's motto Bringing The World To Indonesia is implemented through the act of inviting numerous international artists to the festival. This is not only intended to treat the public with a feast of international talents, but also as an opportunity for international artists to see the talent of Indonesia's jazz musicians, as well as jazz improvisations paired with Indonesian traditional music and also arouse collaborations on Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival's stages.

During of the four years of festival, collaborations create a new musical harmony. People of diverse background (nation and culture) meet in harmony through jazz. Peter Frans Gontha claims that musicians are the appropriate ambassadors to vocalize peace.

Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival showcase jazz and other genres, including the jazz and beyond form presented by DJs. As a result, Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival's performance areas are always packed with audience from a wide range of age groups. It's a fact that most foreign musicians were awed that the festival attracts teenage viewers.

9th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 1 - 3 March 2013
Theme : Jazz Up The World
Number of stage : 17
Number of visitor : ±115.000
Venue : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
Special show : Basia, Joss Stone, Lisa Stansfield, Craig David

8th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 2 - 4 March 2012
Theme : Where Jazz Finds A Home
Number of stage : 18 
Number of visitor : ±123.000
Venue : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
Special show : Al Jarreau & George Duke Trio, Erykah Badu, Herbie Hancock, Pat Metheny, Stevie Wonder

7th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 4 - 6 March 2011
Theme : Harmony Under One Nation In Remarkable Indonesia
Number of stage : 18
Number of visitor : ±110.000
Venue : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
Special show : George Benson, Santana

6th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 5 - 7 March 2010
Theme : Jazzin' Up Remarkable Indonesia
Number of stage : 22
Number of visitor : ±60.000
Venue : Jakarta International Expo, Kemayoran
Special show : Babyface, John Legend, The Manhattan Transfer with Ron King Bigband, Toni Braxton 

5th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 6 - 8 March 2009
Theme : It's A Festival For All
Number of stage : 19
Number of visitor : ±70.000
Venue : Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
Special show : Brian McKnight, Dianne Reeves, Jason Mraz, Laura Fygi, Matt Bianco, Swing Out Sister

4th Java Jazz Festival
Date : 7 - 9 March 2008
Theme : Taste The Spirit of Jazz
Number of stage : 19
Number of visitor : ±45.000
Venue : Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
Special show : James Ingram, Bobby Caldwel, Babyface, The Manhattan Transfer

3rd Java Jazz Festival
Date : 2 - 4 March 2007
Theme : Bringing The World Together
Number of stage : 15
Number of visitor : ±40.000
Venue : Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
Special show : Chaka Khan, Jamie Cullum, Sergio Mendes

2nd Java Jazz Festival
Date : 4 - 6 March 2006
Theme : Bringing The World To Indonesia
Number of stage : 
Number of visitor : ±40.000
Venue : Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
Special show : Brand New Heavies, Patti Austin feat. Twilite Orchestra, Tower of Power, Take 6, Omar and Carleen Anderson feat. Incognito, Kool & The Gang

1st Java Jazz Festival
Date : 5 - 7 March 2005
Theme : Bringing The World To Indonesia
Number of stage : 11
Number of visitor : ±35.000
Venue : Jakarta Convention Center, Senayan
Special show : Earth, Wind & Fire feat. Al McKay's LA All Stars, George Duke, Incognito, James Brown 


Though Indonesian film has a long history, the industry is struggling and developing. The first film made in Indonesia was the 1926 silent film Loetoeng Kasaroeng by Dutch directors G.Kruger and L.Heuveldorp It was made with local actors by NV Java Film Company in Bandung and premiered on 31 December 1926 at Elite and Majestic Theatres in Bandung. Since then, more than 2.200 feature films have been produced and some of them get the international appreciation by winning awards in the eminent international film festivals. Here, the list of the international awards for Indonesian films from 1991 to 2012.

Postcards From The Zoo (2012)
A film was selected as Official Selection at Berlin International Film Festival. The film is the second Indonesian film for Berlinale since Sofia WD's 1962 Badai Selatan and became Indonesia's first film in Berlinale for Golden Bear. The film was also competed for Best Narrative Feature Film at Tribeca Film Festival, New York. Edwin received Edward Young New Talent Award at Hong Kong International Film Festival Society.

Parts of the Heart (2012)
The third film from Paul Agusta which takes the theme of homosexuality was shown for World Premiere at the 41st Rotterdam International Film Festival.

Dilema (2012)

Dilema is an omnibus film consisting of five stories that portray the dark side of Jakarta. The film which produced by Wulan Goeritno won Best Feature Film at Moscow Detective Film Festival.

Mata Tertutup (2012)

Mata Tertutup which is directed by Garin Nugroho became one of 72 films shown in Rotterdam International Film Festival 2012 and screened in World Premiere for the Spectrum.

Lovely Man (2012)
This Teddy Soeriaatmadja's work was one of the Indonesian film for A Window of Asian Cinema at Busan International Film Festival 2011 and Official Selection for Bangalore International Film Festival. Lovely Man also won Best Actor for Donny Damara and Best Director nomination at Asian Film Awards 2012 and won Best Film and Best Director at Tiburon International Film Festival.  

Modus Anomali (2012)
Modus Anomali won Bucheon Award from Network of Asian Fantastic Films (NAFF) which is part of the activities of Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival. This film also got World Premiere at SXSW Film Festival in Austin, Texas, United States.

The Raid (2012)
The Raid won The Cadillac People's Choice Award at Toronto International Film Festival 2011 and it shown for A Window of Asian Cinema at Busan International Film Festival 2011 and closing film at Indonesian International Fantastic Film Festival. It's received rave reviews at Sundance Film Festival and won Audience Award at Dublin International Film Festival and awarded Silver Scream Award at Image Film Festival 2012.

The Mirror Never Lies (2011)
The film won Earth Grand Prix AwardSpecial Mention Winds of Asia Middle East at Tokyo International Film Festival 2011. Kamila won Bright Young Talent Award at Mumbai International Film Festival 2011. It's Official Selection at Vancouver International Film Festival 2011, New Current at Busan International Film Festival 2011 and nominated for Best Cinematography and Best New Comer at Asian Film Awards.

Negeri Di Bawah Kabut (2011)

Directed by Shalahudin Siregar, the film won Special Jury Prize for Documentary at Africa Asia Muhr Dubai International Film Festival 2011.

Prison and Paradise (2011)

Documentary film by Daniel Rudi Haryanto won Director of Japan Award at Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2011 in Prefecture, Yamagata, Japan. The film also screened at New Caledonia International Film Festival.

Belkibolang (2011)
This omnibus from 9 young Indonesian directores (Edwin, Anggun Priambodo, Agung Sentausa, Ifa Isfansyah, Tumpal Tampubolon, Rico Marpaung, Azhar Lubis, Sidi Saleh, Vishnu SP) was screened at Rotterdam International Film Festival 2011, Hong Kong International Film Festival 2011 and Udine Far East Film Festival 2011 in Italy.

Serdadu Kumbang (2011)
A film from Ari Sihasale was screened for A Window of Asian Cinema segment at Busan International Film Festival 2011.

Jakarta Maghrib (2011) 
Directing debut of Salman Aristo became one of Indonesian film that screened for A Window of Asian Cinema at Busan International Film Festival 2011.

The Perfect House (2011)

Directed by Affandi Abdulrachman, The Perfect House was selected as Official Selection at Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2011 in Puchon South Korea.

Minggu Pagi Di Victoria Park (2011)

Lola Amaria's second film that won Best Director at Jakarta International Film Festival 2010 and it was nominated for Best Director at Bali International Film Festival 2010

Payung Merah (2011)

The short film directed by Edward Gunawan and Andri Chung won Best Film at Asian Short Film Awards 2011 which is hosted by Screen Singapore. The film was also an Official Selection at Palm Springs International Short Fest 2011.

Khalifah (2011)
Khalifah is the second feature film by Nurman Hakim. The film won Audience Awards at Vesoul International Film Festival 2011 in France.

Madame X (2010)
This Lucky Kuswandi's directing debut was voted as Official Selection at Hong Kong International Film Festival. The film also received two nominations from Asian Film Awards 2011, Best Supporting Actress for Shanty and Best Production Design for Eros Eflin.

Rumah Dara / Macabre (2010)
Rumah Dara (Macabre) is the debut directorial film from Mo Brothers, which is long version of their earlier short film Dara from the anthology Takut (2007). The film became the first film Indonesia blocked and banned in Malaysia. It's selected as Official Selection and won Best Actress for Shareefa Daanish at Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival (PiFan) 2009.

Kado Hari Jadi (2009)
The film is the first work of Paul Agusta that became the Official Selection at Rotterdam International Film Festival in 2009.

Garuda Di Dadaku (2009)
Directed by Salman Aristo and Ifa Isfansyah Salman and produced by Shanty Harmayn, the film was awarded Best Film at the 6th Providence Children and Youth Armenia International Film Festival 2010. Emir Mahira also won Best Performance at Isfahan International Film Festival of Children and Young Adults  2011 in Tehran, Iran.

Merantau (2009)
Merantau won Best Film at ActionFest International Film Festival 2010 in Asheville, North Carolina United States. Merantau is also nominated for Best Director for Gareth Evans and Best Action Choreography at the same festival.

Jamila Dan Sang Presiden (2009)
The film won Prix de Public and Prix Jury Lycen at Vesoul Asian Film Festival 2010 in France. The other award is Best Original Score at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2010 for Thoersi Argeswara.

Perempuan Berkalung Sorban (2009)
This Hanung Bramantyo's work is received Best Supporting Actress for Widyawati at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2010.

Pintu Terlarang (2009)
A film from Joko Anwar won Best Film at Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2009. The film was Official Selection for Golden Kinnaree Award at Bangkok International Film Festival 2009 and Rotterdam International Film Festival. In 2009 the film became one of the 100 World's Best Film from England magazine Sight and Sound.
9808 (2008)
The film from 10 directors is selected as Official Selection at Lens Politica Media Film Festival 2010, Netherlands Cinemasia 2010, Bangkok International Film Festival 2009, Singapore Short Film Festival 2009, Barcelona Asian Film Festival 2009, Rotterdam International Film Festival, Pusan International Film Festival 2008.

Sang Pemimpi (2008)
Sang Pemimpi which is a sequel to Laskar Pelangi won Audience Award at Udine Far East Film Festival 2010, NETPAC Critics Jury Award at Singapore International Film Festival 2010 and Premio Juvenile Award at 2010 Fici Children International Film Festival in Madrid.

3 Doa 3 Cinta (2008)
This Nurman Hakim's directing debut was nominated for Best Children's Feature Film at Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2009. The film also won the Grand Prize of the International Jury at Vesoul Festival of Asian Cinema.

Laskar Pelangi (2007)
This adaptation from Andrea Hirata's novel is nominated for Best Editing and Best Film at Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong. The film also won Signis Award at Hong Kong International Film Awards 2009Golden Butterfly Award at International Festival of Films for Children and Young Adults in Hamedan Iran,  Best Actress for Cut Mini at Brussels International Independent Film Festival and Best Film at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2010.

The Blind Pig Who Wants To Fly (2008)
This Edwin's first feature film get Official Selection at Pusan International Film Festival 2008,  Official Selection for Tiger Awards Competition and won Fipresci Prize at Rotterdam Film Festival 2009. The Firepsci Prize also received from Singapore International Film Festival 2009 and won Silver Montgolfiere and Young Audience Award from Nantes Three Continent Festival 2009.

Fiksi (2008)
This Mouly Surya's first film won Best Director for Indonesian Feature Film Competition at Jakarta International Film Festival 2008. Fiksi also screened at international film festivals like Pusan International Film Festival and New York Asian Film Festival.

Kala (2007)
The film from Joko Anwar won Jury Prize at New York Asian Film Festival 2007 and Best Film at Berlin Asia Hotshot 2007. It's also screened at Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2007, Vancouver International Film Festival 2008, Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2007, Osian Cinefan Film Festival 2007, Bangkok International Film Festival 2007 and became the closing film at Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival.

The Photograph (2007)
This Nan T. Achnas film won Special Jury (second winner) and Ecumenical Jury Award at the 43rd Karlovy International Film FestivalThe film became the only Asian film who won two awards at once.

3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (2007) 
3 hari Untuk Selamanya from director Riri Riza received Best Director from Brussels International Independent Film Festival 2008 and Official Selection at Bangkok International Film Festival 2007.

Opera Jawa (2006)
This Garin Nugroho's film won Best Original Score for Rahayu Supanggah at the inaugural Asian Film Awards 2007. Opera Jawa is nominated for Best Film from Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2007, won Silver Screen Award at Singapore International Film Festival 2007 and Best Actress for Artika Sari Devi at Brussels International Independent Film Festival 2008.

Koper (2006)
Koper is Richard Oh debut, along with 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya, Berbagi Suami and Kala, became Official Selection at Bangkok International Film Festival 2007.

Denias Senandung Di Atas Awan (2006) 
This Jhon de Rantau film won Best Children's Feature Film at Asia Pacific Screen Awards 2007 and Best Film for Indonesian Feature Film Competition at Jakarta International Film Festival 2006.

Berbagi Suami (2006) 
Berbagi Suami won the Golden Orchid Award for Best Film at Hawaii International Film Festival in 2006. The Film was also Official Selection at Bangkok International Film Festival 2007 and won Best Director (Prix de la meilleure Réalisation)  for Nia Dinata at Brussels International Independent Film Festival 2007.

Gie (2005)

An adaptation of the diary of a demonstrator by director Riri Riza won Best Asian Feature Film at Singapore International Film Festival 2006 and Special Jury Award at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2006.

Janji Joni (2005) 

Joko Anwar's inaugural Janji Joni won Best Editing at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2005.  

Banyu Biru (2005)

The film from Teddy Soeriaatmadja received the Most Promosing New Actress for Dian Sastrowardoyo at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2005.  

Ungu Violet (2005)

This Rako Prijanto's debut directing won Best Supporting Actress for Rima Melati and nominated for Best Actress for Dian Sastrowardoyo at the 50th Asia Pacific Film Festival.  

Kara Anak Sebatang Pohon (2005) 

Kara Anak Sebatang Pohon became Indonesia's first short film which officially screened  for Director's Fortnight at Cannes Film Festival 2005.

Rindu Kami PadaMu (2004) 
A film from Garin Nugroho was awarded Best Film Cinefan - Festival of Asian and Arab Cinema in 2005.

Impian Kemarau (2004) 
It's won Asian New Talent Award at Shanghai International Film Festival 2004 and nominated for Best Film at Pusan International Film Festival, Bangkok International Film Festival, Vladivostok International Film Festival and Official Selection at Rotterdam International Film Festival, Barcelona Asian Film Festival, Split International Festival of New Film, Zanzibar International Film Festival and Cork International Film Festival.

Biola Tak Berdawai (2003)

Sekar Ayu Asmara's directing debut as a director was awarded Best Actress at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2003.

Ca Bau Kan (2002) 

Remy Silado's adaptation novel and Nia Dinata's directing debut. The film won Best New Director for Nia and Best Art Direction for Iri Supit at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2002.

Eliana Eliana (2002)
The film won Best New Director at Singapore International Film Festival 2002 and Dragon Tiger Awards at Vancouver International Film Festival 2002. Jajang C. Noer, the lead actress won Best Actress at Cinemaya Festival of Asian Cinema 2002 in New Delhi and her duet with Rachel Maryam also won Best Actress at Daeuville International Film Festival 2003.

Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja (2002) 

Directed by Garin Nugroho, the film was awarded Netpac Award at Berlin International Film Festival 2003.

Pasir Berbisik (2001) 
It's Official Selection at Rotterdam Film Festival 2002, won Most Promosing Director, Best Sound, Best Cinematography at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2001NETPAC at Brisbane International Film Festival 2002, Fipresci at Oslo Films from the South Festival 2002Asian Trade Winds Special Jury at Seattle International Film Festival 2002. Dian won Best Actress at Deauville Asian Film Festival 2002Singapore International Film Festival 2002.

Puisi Tak Terkuburkan (2000)

This Garin Nugroho's film was awarded the Silver Leopard at Locarno International Film Award 2000 and nominated for Silver Screen Award at Singapore International Film Festival.

Sri (1999)

A film by Marselli Sumarno was awarded the Special Jury Award at Asia Pacific Film Festival 2009.

Kuldesak (1999)

The film from four young Indonesian directors (Mira Lesmana, Riri Riza, Nan T. Achnas, Rizal Mantovani) which is regarded as a milestone of Indonesian cinema generation 2000 nominated for Best Asian Feature Film at Singapore International Film Festival 1999.

Daun Di Atas Bantal (1998)
It's Indonesia's first film at Cannes Film Festival 1998 for Un Certain Regard. It won Best Film and Best Actress for Christine Hakim at Asia Pacific Film Festival 1998. Garin Nugroho also received Lino Brocka Award from Cinemanila International Film Festival 1998. The film was nominated for Best Asian Feature Film at Singapore International Film Festival 1999 and won Special Jury Prize at Tokyo International Film Festival 1998.

Bulan Tertusuk Ilalang (1995) 

The film was awarded FIPRESCI Prize at Berlin International Film Festival 1996.  

Surat Untuk Bidadari (1994) 

Directed by Garin Nugroho and written by Armantono, the film won Gold Award from Tokyo International Film Festival 1994.  

Cinta Dalam Sepotong Roti (1991)

This Best Film at Indonesian Film Festival, which is Garin Nugroho's first film, won Best Young Director at Asia Pacific Film Festival 1992.  

Taxi (1991) 

Arifin C. Noer's film was nominated for Best Asian Feature Film at Singapore International Film Festival 1991.

Langitku Rumahku (1991)

A film by Slamet Rahardjo and Eros Djarot was nominated for Best Asian Feature Film at Singapore International Film Festival 1991.