That's the Prophet Muhammad
, a philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and one spiritual empire. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than him?
The Look
He was a white man with a rosy tinge. He was of a height a little above the average. He was well built with broad shoulders. His belly never protruded out of his chest profile. He used to walk briskly and firmly, lifting each foot off the ground. His gait was described as it would tire others to keep pace with him. His companions described him as a handsome person with prominent forehead, high tipped nose, long eyelashes, large black eyes with well set teeth and a pleasant smile. He had slightly curly hair and a thick beard. His companions indicated that he had a friendly bright face that looked like a full moon. He didn't laugh loudly, his laugh was mostly a smile that would show his teeth a bit like hailstones. His cheerfulness and open personality were felt by all people.
The Look
He was unfailingly cheerful, easy going by nature and mild mannered. He was not a clamorous loud mouth, nor a repeater of obscenities. He was not a fault finder, nor did he overly praise the others. He didn't speak unnecessarily and what he said was always to the point and without any padding. His words were precise and concise having complete meaning in few words. He spoke with excellence and there was no excess in it and no abnormal brevity. When he emphasized a point, he used to repeat it thrice with a gesture. He spoke of nothing unless he hoped a reward from God for it.
He told his companions: "I'm a guarantor for a house in the heart of the Paradise for those who quit arguing even if they were right and I'm a guarantor for a house in the middle of the Paradise for those who quit lying even if they were kidding and I'm a guarantor for a house in the highest part in the Paradise for those who behave with good manners." (Sahih Abu Dawood)
He told his companions: "I'm a guarantor for a house in the heart of the Paradise for those who quit arguing even if they were right and I'm a guarantor for a house in the middle of the Paradise for those who quit lying even if they were kidding and I'm a guarantor for a house in the highest part in the Paradise for those who behave with good manners." (Sahih Abu Dawood)
The Manners
He kept his feelings under firm control. When annoyed, he would turn aside or keep silent. When someone commits an act that violates God's Law, he used to show serious anger and firm stand. No one would stand against his anger when matters of the Lord's truth were opposed, until he had triumph, but he would never get angry for his own sake.He was always the first to greet the others and would not withdraw his hand from a hand shaker till the other man withdrew his. Whoever saw him unexpectedly would admire and revere him. And however socialized or associated with him familiarly, loved him. He was gentle by nature. He was neither coarse nor disdainful of anyone. When he looked at the others, he looked at them in full face. If someone called him he didn't turn his face only, but gave attention with his whole body. When he would go to visit a group, he would sit in the nearest available spot. He ordered his companions to follow his practice. He would give those seated near him his full share of attention in such a way that no one would think others had been given precedence over him. He didn't reserve fixed places among the people to be seated. He was fair with his companions and all people. They were distinguished only by virtue and devotion to God.
Everything he did was in moderation, without excess or contrariness. He never criticized the food or drink that was prepared for him, nor he did overly praise it. When at home, he would divide his time into three parts, one for God, one for his family and one for himself. He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor. He used to dress well and smell good. (Sahih Bukhari, Chapter Kitabul Adab)
After dawn prayers, he would remain sitting in the mosque reciting the Holy Qur'an and praises of Allah till the sun rose. After midnight, he used to get up for Tahajjud prayers which he never missed even once in his life. (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari)
He had declared unlawful for himself and his family anything given by the people by way of zakat or sadaqa (types of charity). He was so particular about it, that he would not appoint any member of his family as a zakat collector. His house was but a hut with walls of unbaked clay and a thatched roof of palm leaves covered by camel skin.
When he died, he did not leave a cent or any property except his white mule and a piece of land which he had dedicated for the good of the community. (Sahih Bukhari) as he said: "What have I to do with worldly things. My connection with the world is like that of a traveler resting for awhile underneath the shade of a tree and then moving on"
The Life
Muhammad's His father passed away before he was born. His mother sent him out of Mecca to be breastfed by a wet nurse called Halima (this was an old Arab custom) till he's 2 years old. In the age of 2 to 6 years old he lived with his mother until she passed away in the year 576 CE then lived with his grandfather Abdul-Muttalib until he passed away when he's 8 years old. From 8 to 25 years old he lived with his paternal uncle Abu-Talib who had 10 children.
When he was 40 years old (year 610 CE) he received the divine revelation and dedicated his life to conveying God's Message to all people. He taught people the oneness of God and conveyed Qur'an which call for social justice, peace, harmony and well-being.
The Family
Muhammad Muhammad
Then he married Saffiya, the daughter of Jewish leader from Bani Al-Nadhir who betrayed him and worked against him but then they sieged and surrendered. Saffiya was amongst those who were captured but he released her and proposed marriage to her. She accepted and they were married. In the same year, he sent a messenger to the king of Egypt, calling him to accept the message of Islam and the king replied with a polite apology and sent him some gift as well as a physician and a servant or concubine called Mariya (Mary) and he accepted the gifts. He married Mariya and later on she gave birth to a baby boy named Ibrahim.
Islam didn't forbid polygamy but it restricted and regulated it. It's not compulsary to marry more than one wife but it's permissible for genuine reasons (e.g. the wife is barren, suffers from a chronic disease, becomes handicapped, disabled or for other reasons). A man can marry a second wife if he can demonstrate full respect, justice and impartiality. Verse 3, Chapter 4 in Qur'an states: "Marry of the women, who seem good and suitable to you, two or three or four, and if you fear that you cannot do justice (to them) then (marry only one)" Before this revelation, men used to have scores of wives with no limits or conditions. The prophet was married to more than 4 wives before this revelation.
610 CE
He received the Message of God. (3) He was appointed as the Messenger of God to convey God's Words to mankind. A mission that required strong belief, dedication, commitment and honesty.
610 - 612 CE
He invited his friends, his inner circle and selected good quality people, to accept Islam. In the first three years after prophecy, around 130 people accepted Islam and became a strong nucleus that was able to spread Islam publicly. These core Muslims were mix of rich and poor people.
613 - 615 CE
Muhammad Muhammad
Two influencial men, strong and well respected Meccan men accepted Islam, Omar Bin Al-Khattab and Hamza Bin Abdul-Muttalib (uncle). That was important turning point for Muslims. Hamza became a strong supporter and protector for him until he died in the battle of Uhud in 625 CE. Three years after the passing away of the prophet Omar became the second caliph and ruled the Islamic state for 11 years.
616 - 618 CE
Meccan leaders boycotted Muhammad
619 - 620 CE
It's a sorrowful year. Meccan chiefs cancelled the social and economical blockade as they found it not useful. In the same year, Khadijah and his uncle Abu-Talib passed away. He lost hope in Mecca and decided to convey the Message of God and seek support outside Mecca. He went to Ta'if but was met with hostility. (4) In addition, he spoke to more than 20 Arab tribes about Islam but he didn't receive any positive response.
620 - 622 CE
Muhammad The same group returned the following year (621 CE) with six more people. (5) They pledged their allegiance to him (accepting him as the Messenger of God) and promising him: (1) not to worship anyone except Allah The One God (2) not to steal (3) not to commit adultery (4) not to kill (5) not to slander neighbours (6) not to disobey the Messenger of God.
The group went back to Yathrib and invited their tribal leaders and their people to accept Islam. They returned again in the following year (622 CE) at the time of pilgrimage with more than 70 men and 2 women. A similar pledge of allegiance was given again to the prophet.
A new Muslim community formed 450 km north of Mecca. The leaders of the two main tribes in Yathrib (Aws and Khazraj) embraced Islam and subsequently their people became Muslims. The prophet was invited to come to Yathrib and become its ruler and leader.
622 CE
Chiefs of Mecca plotted to kill Muhammad
623 - 624 CE
Muhammad Muhammad
623 - 624 CE
Muhammad The constitution guaranteed the freedom of conscience and worship for Muslims and Jews as well as Arabs who didn't accept Islam. In addition, the constitution protected the safety and security of all citizens in Madinah and required all parties who signed the covenant for the constitution to be part of the national defence should Madinah be attacked by enemies. The constitution stated justice, human rights, liberties and prohibition of crime and immoral practices.
624 CE
The unavoidable battle of Badr. When Muslims migrated from Mecca to Madinah, many of them were forced to abandon their homes and their properties were confiscated. The chiefs of Mecca used the confiscated money in trade and business. Muslims knew about a trade caravan belonging to the Meccan chiefs, led by their enemy Abu-Sufyan which would pass through a trade route close to Madinah.Muhammad
625 CE
626 CE
Meccan and other tribes attacked Muhammad
627 CE
One year after the battle of trench, the prophet took a peaceful initiative to perform Umrah (visit the Ka'bah House of God in Mecca and perform other religious rites). Visiting Mecca for the purpose of worship was a religious right that Mecca undertook to give to all people in Arabia. It was a great surprise for Meccan chiefs to see him approaching Mecca with 1400 civilians coming from Madinah. After several negotiations, Treaty of Hudaybiya, a truce was made between the Meccan chiefs and the prophet for 10 years during which time he and his companions returned to their homes with a condition to come again to visit Mecca in the following year (628 CE). The truce had many other terms with which the Muslims were disappointed because they weighed heavily on the Meccan side.
628 - 629 CE
During the truce, Muhammad
630 CE
Within less than 2 years, the truce was broken from the Meccan side when their allies killed 20 Muslims. In response to this shocking act, the prophet marched with 10.000 Muslims to conquer Mecca but asked his soldiers not to fight any one unless they were fought. (7) The Meccan chiefs were embarrassed and were not prepared to fight the Muslims. When the Muslim army arrived in Mecca, he addressed the whole people of Mecca confirming the oneness of God, referring victory to Him and reminding people that all of them descended from Adam and Adam was created from dust of the ground.Then he asked the people of Mecca "What do you expect me to do with you?". They replied "We hope for the best. After all, you have been a gracious brother and a courteous cousin" Despite the hardship caused by the Meccan people during the last 21 years, the prophet behaved with high moralities. He replied "Have no fear today. Depart then (to your homes), you are free" His address was very influential and many people came to him to make pledge and embrace Islam.
630 - 631 CE
After the peaceful takeover of Mecca, delegations from all over Arabia came to learn about Islam. Except the Hawazen tribe who fought the Muslims and eventually lost the battle of Hunayn, most Arab tribes embraced Islam. The prophet sent many of his companions to various provinces in Arabia to teach people Islam 'The Message of God'.632 CE
The Prophet Muhammad
- According to some narrations and calculations he was born in the year 571 CE.
- Some narrations state that the marriage of him and Khadijah lasted for 24 years and several months.
- There is one and only one Qur'an which is revealed to him in original Arabic. However, there are many translations for the meanings of the verses in the Holy Qur'an to different languages such as English, French, Chinese, etc.
- The Prophet was attacked in Ta'if and experienced the worst treatment there. When he left Ta'if he was very disappointed. According to some narrations, he called God with a wonderful supplication.
- Aqaba or Al-Bay'aa 'Pledge' Mosque: established by the Abbasside Caliph Abu Jaafar Al Manssour on the same place that is believed the new Muslims from Madinah pledged commitment to the prophet as they embraced Islam.
- A small Muslim community stayed in Mecca and were not able to migrate to Yathrib (Madinah).
- The Islamic calendar starts from the date the prophet migrated from Mecca to Madinah (13 September 622 CE approx., The peaceful taking over of Mecca was on 8 January 630 CE approx.)
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